I really like the grain on the paper, and if i can i would like to have the same on my sheets. I feel like the way they blacked out the text works well but i will need to test too see which works best for me. 

The Furniture Project #2

"Please Don't Leave Me on a Saturday Night" Animation on iPhones and iPads

Mother Bee is a clay piece which i have looked at as i am wanting to do a publication on the topic of bees. 


I am quite fond of this style and would like to test with it someday. I would also like to try and test with printing, and how that could work. 

I really like these craft letters. i love the use of string and the geometric lines and shapes. 

Doodle books. I like the style and consistency of his drawings. But because I'm not making a piece out of the book and making images from it i think it needs to be spread out more, so that when re drawing it is clear what to draw. 

I really like how the stamps look and feel that they word work well on the cover of my zine. With some testing and development i want to see if i can make one to this standard. But i also feel that the top secret stamp has more of an impact. So maybe a combination of both would work well. 

What are carbon emissions?

Carbon dioxide and climate change

source  Every time we burn fossil fuels such as gas, coal or oil, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. In a natural carbon cycle, carbon dioxide is re-absorbed by plants and trees. However, we are burning fuels where the carbon dioxide has been trapped under the earth's surface for millions of years, and we're doing it so quickly that plants and trees that are alive now have no chance of soaking it up (and it doesn't help that we're cutting down rainforests as well).

The effect of all this extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is that the overall temperature of the planet is increasing (global warming). Whilst the average global temperature is increasing, on a day-to-day level the climate is changing in unpredictable ways (from floods and hurricanes to heat waves and droughts). To try and reduce the risk of ever more extreme weather, we need to reduce how much fossil fuel we are burning. This isn't easy.

The Furniture Project #1

Water Experiment No. 33

Really like these outdoor installations in nature. They feel very surreal and i love the fact that the artist used materials that were not permanent such as snow. 

I looked at the posters for their type faces and presentation. I really like the use of contrasting colours, and the verity of styles. 

type periodic table


How to Paint with Smoke

http://www.wikihow.com/Paint-with-Smoke   Researching how i would draw with smoke and found this. i feel that it was helpful as i didn't know how it would be done. But after testing i found that it was a very risky process. I tested with paper and it set a light. Maybe if i tried with a soldering iron it would work well with less risk. Mabe with some practice it would work but i don't have the resources to keep testing.

Wolfgang Paalen

Kinetic Type Quote

Skateboard Loop by Pier Paolo

The Furniture Project #3

Turning Topography Into Typography

Nice simple double exposed portraits. 

All of these poster designers are by people from http://www.typographicposters.com/ I picked out designs that i feel could inspire me when designing or have aspects that i find interesting. I love all of the geometric patterns and illustrations for some, but most of all the textures that some of the posters have created.